195: Welcome to Nourish Yourself Body+Mind

Hello friends and welcome back to the podcast! Today I have something truly special to share with you, something that I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into for months. Today I’m announcing the launch of my brand new course: Nourish Yourself Body+Mind. This course, Nourish Yourself Body+Mind, is a roadmap and support system for unlearning what diet culture has taught, rebuilding a foundation of trusting yourself, and finding a completely new way of relating to food. This isn’t just another intuitive eating course, this is an in-depth whole-self transformation that helps you move along the healing process.
Hello friends and welcome back to the podcast! Today I have something truly special to share with you, something that I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into for months. Today I’m announcing the launch of my brand new course: Nourish Yourself Body+Mind. This course, Nourish Yourself Body+Mind, is a roadmap and support system for unlearning what diet culture has taught, rebuilding a foundation of trusting yourself, and finding a completely new way of relating to food. This isn’t just another intuitive eating course, this is an in-depth whole-self transformation that helps you move along the healing process.
Nourish Yourself Body+Mind will go through the reasons why you might feel out of control around food, reasons that pertain to biology and not simply willpower. The course will look at how to stop the food chatter in your head, it will look at emotional eating and eating struggles, it will examine new ways to take care of yourself. It is designed to support you through every step of the journey of healing relationships with food and self. Letting go of self-criticism. Letting go of the daily scale and body critiques. Cultivating self-compassion. Unpacking the ways in which diet culture has kept you small emotionally, mentally, and socially. It’s a 12 module course with each module containing between 10 and 14 lessons. There’s a video, a workbook, and audio that go with each module. Join me as I really unpack my motivation and passion for the Nourish Yourself Body+Mind course and what it can do for you.
About Dr. Michelle Tubman:
Dr. Michelle Tubman is certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine, which means she understands exactly what's happening in your body when you diet. Although she does not provide any medical advice in her coaching programs, this knowledge gives her an edge over most coaches.
She also holds Level 1 and Level 2 Precision Nutrition coaching certifications which make her skilled at coaching nutrition, dietary change, and habit change in general. Realizing that emotional eating and bingeing are complicated for most of us, she also did training in mind-body and intuitive eating. Peace around food is possible.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- $50 podcast listener discount on Body+Mind course - Code: podcast
Learn more about Dr. Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health:
- Website: www.wayzahealth.com
- Follow me on Facebook and Instagram
- Email Michelle: michelle@wayzahealth.com