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Feb. 27, 2025

192: Intuitive Eating When You're Tired

192: Intuitive Eating When You're Tired

Welcome back, friends. I’m exploring what happens to our food cravings when we’re exhausted. Why is eating and choosing food such a chore when we’re fatigued? How does it affect our decision-making? We’ve all been there, overwhelmed and bone tired, staring at the kitchen and thinking the only option is the fast option. But we’ve been made to feel guilty about that. Like we’re failing when we can’t face food choices due to exhaustion. I’m talking about self-compassion in those moments instead. I’ll explain why fatigue affects hunger and decision-making and then we’ll see why the fast option in those times is perfectly acceptable.

Welcome back, friends. I’m exploring what happens to our food cravings when we’re exhausted. Why is eating and choosing food such a chore when we’re fatigued? How does it affect our decision-making? We’ve all been there, overwhelmed and bone tired, staring at the kitchen and thinking the only option is the fast option. But we’ve been made to feel guilty about that. Like we’re failing when we can’t face food choices due to exhaustion. I’m talking about self-compassion in those moments instead. I’ll explain why fatigue affects hunger and decision-making and then we’ll see why the fast option in those times is perfectly acceptable.   

The first thing to note is that fatigue affects intuitive eating in a few ways. Our hunger and fullness hormones become unbalanced when we’re fatigued and the result is that we feel hungrier than usual and it takes more food than usual to make us feel full. It’s our bodies trying to get more energy because we’re running on empty. Once we understand what happening we can give ourselves more of a break. When we crave carbs and sugar while exhausted or don’t have the ability to make meal choices, it’s because our intuitive eating signals are mixed up by our exhaustion. And that’s okay. How do we deal with those feelings? And how can we make simple fast food choices without feeling guilty? I’ll share my personal journey with those feelings and some pointers that work for me.


About Dr. Michelle Tubman:

Dr. Michelle Tubman is certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine, which means she understands exactly what's happening in your body when you diet. Although she does not provide any medical advice in her coaching programs, this knowledge gives her an edge over most coaches.

She also holds Level 1 and Level 2 Precision Nutrition coaching certifications which make her skilled at coaching nutrition, dietary change, and habit change in general. Realizing that emotional eating and bingeing are complicated for most of us, she also did training in mind-body and intuitive eating. Peace around food is possible.
