189: How to Stop Food Rules from Controlling Your Life

Welcome back to Thrive Beyond Size! I'm so happy to have you here. Today’s topic is the concept of food rules. What are food rules, you ask? I’m talking about the rigid and often unspoken guidelines that we lay down for ourselves that dictate all the decisions we make around eating. Things like carbs are bad or don’t eat after 7 pm or yogurt has too much sugar. Some of them are choices we have consciously made but some are just ingrained in our brains in response to the diet culture we’ve been mired in for so long. I want to explore food rules today. Why do we make them? How are they interrupting our relationships with food and our bodies? What can we do to change them?
Welcome back to Thrive Beyond Size! I'm so happy to have you here. Today’s topic is the concept of food rules. What are food rules, you ask? I’m talking about the rigid and often unspoken guidelines that we lay down for ourselves that dictate all the decisions we make around eating. Things like carbs are bad or don’t eat after 7 pm or yogurt has too much sugar. Some of them are choices we have consciously made but some are just ingrained in our brains in response to the diet culture we’ve been mired in for so long. I want to explore food rules today. Why do we make them? How are they interrupting our relationships with food and our bodies? What can we do to change them?
One of the problems with food rules is that we feel like a failure when we break one. If, for example, we have a rule about not eating cake and then we have a piece of cake on somebody’s birthday, we feel terrible and guilty and we don’t even enjoy it. So that food rule is harming our perception of ourselves and our ability to simply enjoy cake on a special occasion. Food rules often come with a sense of morality or judgment. They’re ingrained in our minds, dictating our eating. Letting go of these food rules is vital because they’re creating unnecessary stress and creating this idea that our bodies cannot be trusted to communicate their needs to us. I’m going to address how adept our bodies are at letting us know what they need. I’m going to talk about intuitive eating. I’m going to talk about letting go of shame when we let go of food rules. And I’m going to talk about how to do it. How to dismantle those unspoken rules.
About Dr. Michelle Tubman:
Dr. Michelle Tubman is certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine, which means she understands exactly what's happening in your body when you diet. Although she does not provide any medical advice in her coaching programs, this knowledge gives her an edge over most coaches.
She also holds Level 1 and Level 2 Precision Nutrition coaching certifications which make her skilled at coaching nutrition, dietary change, and habit change in general. Realizing that emotional eating and bingeing are complicated for most of us, she also did training in mind-body and intuitive eating. Peace around food is possible.
Learn more about Dr. Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health:
- Website: www.wayzahealth.com
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- Email Michelle: michelle@wayzahealth.com