Nov. 28, 2024

179: Can You Practice Intuitive Eating While Taking GLP-1 Medications?

179: Can You Practice Intuitive Eating While Taking GLP-1 Medications?

Hello friends. Today I’m tackling a question I receive a lot from potential clients and people interested in intuitive eating. The question is can I still practice intuitive eating if I’m taking a GLP-1 medication? I’ve spoken about these medications a lot on this podcast. They’re prescribed for people managing type 2 diabetes but sometimes they are also prescribed for weight loss. They control blood sugar levels and can also impact appetite. So today I want to talk about how they operate and then explore how intuitive eating can still be practiced while on a medication that alters hunger cues.

Hello friends. Today I’m tackling a question I receive a lot from potential clients and people interested in intuitive eating. The question is can I still practice intuitive eating if I’m taking a GLP-1 medication? I’ve spoken about these medications a lot on this podcast. They’re prescribed for people managing type 2 diabetes but sometimes they are also prescribed for weight loss. They control blood sugar levels and can also impact appetite. So today I want to talk about how they operate and then explore how intuitive eating can still be practiced while on a medication that alters hunger cues.    

It’s important to understand exactly what intuitive eating actually is in order to fully discuss this question. Intuitive eating was developed by two dieticians in the mid-1990s, Evelyn Tribble and Elise Risch, and it’s based on ten principles. At the core of all the principles is rebuilding trust with your body and tuning in to hunger and fullness cues to honour your body’s needs. So how does this work if you’re using a medication that alters hunger cues? Well, it is possible, let me answer the question directly, but it requires adapting some of the principles of intuitive eating to fit your unique experience. I talk about how GLP-1 medications work, what they don’t fix, and how to approach intuitive eating differently, with the mindset of approaching food with curiosity and some respect. I will talk about body trust and releasing the idea that our food choices define our worth. So join me as I dive into this question, one I get all the time, so we can understand it together.


About Dr. Michelle Tubman:

Dr. Michelle Tubman is certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine, which means she understands exactly what's happening in your body when you diet. Although she does not provide any medical advice in her coaching programs, this knowledge gives her an edge over most coaches.

She also holds Level 1 and Level 2 Precision Nutrition coaching certifications which make her skilled at coaching nutrition, dietary change, and habit change in general. Realizing that emotional eating and bingeing are complicated for most of us, she also did training in mind-body and intuitive eating. Peace around food is possible.


Learn more about Dr. Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health: