177: What to Eat When You Don’t Know What You Want

Hi friends! I’m excited to bring you a bit of a lighter episode today. I know the last few episodes have been on the heavier side so it’s time to lighten things up a bit. I want to talk about what the heck you eat when you’re hungry but don’t know what you want. Do you ever feel that? You know you’re hungry and you stand at the fridge and just stare into it and can’t figure out what you want? Or sometimes you’re at a restaurant and can’t pick anything off the menu. When it happens to me it’s sometimes because I’m overwhelmed by choices but also sometimes I’m hungry and nothing sounds right, nothing sounds like what I want. So today I’m talking about how to navigate that.
Hi friends! I’m excited to bring you a bit of a lighter episode today. I know the last few episodes have been on the heavier side so it’s time to lighten things up a bit. I want to talk about what the heck you eat when you’re hungry but don’t know what you want. Do you ever feel that? You know you’re hungry and you stand at the fridge and just stare into it and can’t figure out what you want? Or sometimes you’re at a restaurant and can’t pick anything off the menu. When it happens to me it’s sometimes because I’m overwhelmed by choices but also sometimes I’m hungry and nothing sounds right, nothing sounds like what I want. So today I’m talking about how to navigate that.
In our society of diet culture and food restriction, sometimes those rules get stuck in our brains even when we choose to stop following them. So we might be hungry and searching for something to eat but we won’t allow ourselves to have what we really want because it’s not “right” or “healthy enough”. So sometimes we just don’t eat at all. Or eat something that doesn’t actually satisfy us. How do we navigate that? I’m going to share a list of questions to ask yourself to determine what’s going on inside. Are you really hungry? What are you hungry for? What does your body feel like? What kind of food are you craving? I want us to get back in tune with our bodies so we can actually understand our hunger and what we need without old habits getting in the way. I’ll talk about how to meal plan with flexibility, how to let go of this notion of only doing “what’s right”, and how to try eating in different ways to really satisfy your hunger. Join me as we figure out how the heck to eat when we don’t know what we want.
About Dr. Michelle Tubman:
Dr. Michelle Tubman is certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine, which means she understands exactly what's happening in your body when you diet. Although she does not provide any medical advice in her coaching programs, this knowledge gives her an edge over most coaches.
She also holds Level 1 and Level 2 Precision Nutrition coaching certifications which make her skilled at coaching nutrition, dietary change, and habit change in general. Realizing that emotional eating and bingeing are complicated for most of us, she also did training in mind-body and intuitive eating. Peace around food is possible.
Learn more about Dr. Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health:
- Website: www.wayzahealth.com
- Follow me on Facebook and Instagram
- Email Michelle: michelle@wayzahealth.com