112: Anxiety and Depression 101 with Dr. Rosanne Mills

I am excited about this episode because I have a special treat for you today! One of my best friends in the whole world is joining us on the podcast. She’s actually visiting me this week and we’re having the most amazing time together with a lot of outdoors activity. Dr. Rosanne Mills and I first met in med school in Calgary and then both did residency in Toronto. After that I went into emergency medicine while she pursued psychiatry but we have remained as close as ever. Rosanne and I have a conversation about the realities of anxiety and depression and how to help your mental health. We address the question of what anxiety and depression actually look like and how to tell the type that needs treatment apart from times that are really just part of being a human being.
I am excited about this episode because I have a special treat for you today! One of my best friends in the whole world is joining us on the podcast. She’s actually visiting me this week and we’re having the most amazing time together with a lot of outdoors activity. Dr. Rosanne Mills and I first met in med school in Calgary and then both did residency in Toronto. After that I went into emergency medicine while she pursued psychiatry but we have remained as close as ever. Rosanne and I have a conversation about the realities of anxiety and depression and how to help our mental health. We address the question of what anxiety and depression actually look like and how to tell the type that needs treatment apart from times that are really just part of being a human being.
I want to say, first of all, that though Dr. Rose and I are both physicians, we are not giving out personal health advice in this episode. This is information shared for educational purposes only. If you feel you have any of the symptoms we talk about, please see your physician, visit an emergency department, or call your local Healthline. Rosanne defines depression according to the DSM, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, and we talk about how a significant depressive episode can cause dysfunction in our lives in some way. We also discuss how anxiety is normal and healthy until it starts dragging at daily life and prevents us from visting people, making phone calls, and the like. Dr. Rose offers a lot of insight into how depression and anxiety both manifest, when they are emergency issues, and explains different kinds of medication available. She also discusses medication side effects and modalites outside of medication that can help mitigate depression. This episode is a clear and informative look at how depression and anxiety manifest and operate. It’s full of information and insight that will hopefully answer some questions and, most importantly, remind us that most people with anxiety and depression do feel better when we get appropriate treatment.
About Dr. Rosanne Mills
Dr Rosanne Mills is a Psychiatrist in Toronto, Ontario. She works as a Staff Psychiatrist at St. Michael’s Hospital.
Learn more about Dr Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health:
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